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2014年6月中旬2nd Album "LOVE SONG DUET" をCALL AND RESPOSE RECORDSから発売予定。
シンセヴォーカルのMadca、シーケンス無しでエレクトロパッドと生ドラムを駆使してビートを叩き出すMoririn、ギターながら個性的なエフェクトボードを経由してベースを刻むTuttiによる噂の3人組!新生ニューウェーブライオットパンク!ポップに反逆!現在の音楽シーンには存在しない正統なニューウェーブサウンドを受け継ぎBON JOVIのダイナミックスにDAN DEACON, Blonde Redhead, Bikini Kill等の異端児のDNAを試験管にぶち込み現代にミュータントとして生まれた新世代を担うべき最高の反逆者達。
Jebiotto are a Tokyo-based synth-punk band based around Madca (synth/vocals), Tutti (Guitar) and Moririn (drums/electro pads). With roots in the Koenji underground scene of clubs like 20000V and the UFO Club, their music mixes pop melodies and dance beats, delivering them with the energy and electricity of a punk band.
Love Song Duet is the group's second mini-album, and on it Jebiotto's Jekyll-and-Hyde personality is on full display. They write pop songs that reach for epic stadium rock status, but at the same time they subvert and undermine them with an anarchic punk sensibility, like Bon Jovi wrapped in tinfoil, falling down some stairs, or TM Network in a washing machine with some rocks.
In Summer 2014 Jebiotto visited the USA for a tour of New York and the East Coast.